8 Convincing Reasons to Opt for Cloud Integration

Despite cloud computing integration no longer being something new to the industry, it is still on everyone’s lips nowadays, as more and more businesses, no matter their size or industry, are turning towards it. Research shows that over 50% of enterprises have already either wholly turned to cloud integration or are in the process of doing so.

The reasons why more and more companies are choosing to move to the cloud vary based on industry, and there are some general benefits that both big enterprises and small businesses can take advantage of. Some of these benefits, such as operational costs and improved security, are easy to understand, but others do require more in-depth research to understand fully.

Cloud Integration

Cut down on expenses

One of the biggest concerns of companies who consider transitioning to the cloud is the initial cost of the implementation. However, just like any other change in a company’s way of doing business, it is not the initial investment that you should take into consideration, but rather the return on investment.

While implementation does require some costs, as you will be moving your business into a different environment, once the change is complete, you will end up not only saving money but also time. Once all your data is in the cloud, projects will be much easier to start, the information will be at your fingertips at any time, and you will be able to control your expenses much better.

You don’t need to be afraid you will be paying for features you don’t need, as cloud computing solutions are generally on a pay-as-you-go plan so that you only pay for the amount of storage you use and the features you need. This way, you will know for sure exactly how much you need to pay every month, thus resulting in a higher ROI.

Improve security

Running a successful business, especially one that handles significant amounts of client data, means you are exposing yourself to cybersecurity breaches and hacker attacks every day. In-house data storage means you will have to take care of security as well. You will need a team that is specialized in cybersecurity and will monitor all suspect activity.

The concern that comes with moving client data and sensitive information to the cloud is that, if you can access all data remotely, how can you be sure that a bad-intended person won’t? After all, everyone has read about cyberattacks in the media, and they seem to happen even to the best in the industry.

Managing and hosting of cloud solutions means taking care of security, as well. Those who do so are continually investing in new and more secure options to protect your data, and, as this is their job, they do have an army of cybersecurity experts by their side.

It has already been proved that most cyber-attacks have been done from the inside, so keeping your data off-site might be a good idea in this case. Statistics show that over 90% of businesses have reported improvements in data security after moving to the cloud.

Better mobility

As more companies start embracing a remote-working culture, there comes a problem as to how will employees be able to access all the information they need at any given time. Cloud integration seems to be the answer to this issue, as it allows even those who do not work inside the corporate office to have access to data whenever they need to.

“We have writers who work remotely, so we need to be sure that they can keep in touch with clients and continue to do their work no matter where they are. Cloud computing does exactly that, so it does not matter if our writers work on their projects from home, or the brick-and-mortar office, they will always be connected. Sometimes, clients send requests that need to be taken care of in a matter of hours, so we need to make sure someone can handle them as soon as possible. Without cloud computing, that would not be possible.” explains Andrew Myers, Head of the IT department at Trust My Paper.

Imagine your team having to enter a meeting that they traveled hundreds of miles for and realizing they miss some vital documents. Instead of having to call the office to have those documents emailed over, they can access them from their mobile phones and go into that meeting with confidence.

Cloud Data

Better insight

Reports and analytics can be a pain, primarily when you work with thousands of clients, but all the data you have gathered throughout the years is precious to your company’s future. When you have thousands of gigabytes of data stored somewhere on your servers, it can be quite challenging to extract the exact information you need to see how things improved since you first started doing business. Here is where cloud computing can turn out to be life-changing.

In time, cloud integration has become almost homonymous with AI because more and more hosts offer integrated solutions for cloud analytics, reports, and data tracking. This way, it will become easier for you to draw reports that will help meet your company’s goals at the end of the year. You can see how your relationship with a particular client has evolved, how sales increased and which marketing campaigns were more effective.

Increased collaboration

There is no secret in the fact that, for your team to deliver impressive results, they need to have seamless collaboration. This is why you should make it your priority to ease the cooperation between team members and departments altogether. With cloud integration, everyone can see changes and new information in real-time, so there is no room for confusion when someone adds new data about a client or project.

“While collaboration is still possible without cloud integration, it will never be as effective or as simple as the cloud makes it. All data shared is secure, easy to view, and access, as well as simple to verify. There will be no need for countless emails and exchanging spreadsheets between departments, as some cloud-based services even allow notifications to be sent to all those who may have an interest when changes occur.” shares Robert Wayne, a cloud integration specialist for Studicus.

Quality control

Human error is something that can’t be controlled, but it can sometimes do significant damages to your business. With cloud computing, data is stored in one place and a universal format, making it easier for anyone to verify its accuracy and consistency. You can get a clear report with all the changes made and the person who made them, so if something is not right, you will know who to talk to.

At the same time, cloud computing eliminates the possibility of duplicate files or outdated versions of documents still being available and leaving room for confusion. If someone made a change in a particular report but forgot to make the current version available for anyone to access, it can lead to ambiguous or inaccurate data, which can cost you time and money.

Prevent the loss of data

In a traditional business environment, all critical data is saved on the computers inside the company. If something happens to a computer that holds essential files, then all data will be lost, and everyone knows how damaging that can be. Truth be told, computers are machines that can malfunction at any given time, and sometimes you can’t foresee it. Viruses, issues related to poor usage, or simply because the device is old are all reasons a computer can stop working correctly. You can prevent this by performing constant back-ups, but this is often time-consuming and involves additional costs.

If all your data is stored in the cloud, you will never have to worry about this issue. The host must perform regular back-ups and make sure none of your sensitive data gets lost or misplaced. This way, even if a computer fails, you can log in using a different device and still have access to all the information just like nothing happened. All you need is an internet connection.

Stay ahead of the competition

Even now, when cloud computing is so hyped, there are still companies who prefer to keep it classic. If you turn to cloud integration, you will have an advantage against them. Benefits don’t only come from the fact that your data will be more accurate, and you will avoid issues such as those mentioned above, but also from the fact that clients do care if you are up to date with technological updates.

Implementing new technologies will show clients that you care about your business and are concerned about doing things right, useful and in a professional manner. Plus, using the cloud makes your company more sustainable. You will avoid wasting power to hold up servers and reduce the carbon footprint that your company leaves. Becoming eco-friendlier is at the top of concerns for businesses nowadays, and if clients see you take a particular interest in this, they will become more interested in associating themselves with you.

Cloud integration offers you the proper means to make your data more secure, while at the same time providing your employees with a way to work more efficiently and accurately. It will not only reduce costs but also improve your image in the clients’ eyes and place you on top of the competition. You will get a better chance to ensure that all the information stored in the cloud is always available to your employees and help you generate accurate reports when needed.

Dorian Martin is a professional writer with years of experience in business-related topics. He likes to attend conferences and keep himself updated with every new release in terms of marketing, business management, and entrepreneurship. He is a contributor writer to various websites, such as WowGrade and Grab My Essay, as well as running his blog, NotBusinessAsUsusal, where he posts advice for business owners.

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