Jumpstart your Microsoft Dynamics GP (Great Plains) Integration Project

If you are starting to feel that your current accounting and business solution is slowly but surely becoming inadequate, not catering to your business needs entirely and also isn’t keeping up pace with your organization’s growth, then you have just outgrown the entry-level accounting software.

In such a scenario if you’re seeking a solution that can overcome these limitations then, Microsoft’s ERP solution,  Dynamics GP (Great Plains) is an ideal upgrade that can cater to your business needs and perhaps more.

Efficiency for Your Business

With the advent of the cloud, there has been a fundamental shift in how businesses are being operated. This change is more evident than ever before as more organizations require both on-premise and online solutions. In most of the cases, these processes are interconnected, leading to the integration of financial systems, supply chain management, CRM, e-selling, and other key business processes.

Given this, GP provides great flexibility for small and mid-sized businesses to deal with the IT challenges they face in the new interconnected economy. Being a Microsoft Certified Partner, we have managed to make better use of features incorporated in GP and has enabled us to provide successful integration with host of applications.

How DBSync Can Help?

With DBSync, Microsoft Dynamics GP users can connect to databases, on-demand CRM tools and a variety of other applications to improve productivity and data visibility. Some of the features that customers can make use of are as follows,

  • Synchronize Customer Master Databases with Microsoft Dynamics GP
  • Convert Opportunities Won to Order generated in MS Dynamics GP
  • Convert Opportunities Won to Invoice in MS Dynamics GP
  • Integrate E-commerce website orders to MS Dynamics GP
  • Integrated payments received from online payment systems for reconciliation.

DBSync for Salesforce.com & Microsoft Dynamics GP integrates Salesforce objects like Accounts, Contacts, Products and Opportunities to GP as Customers, Sales Order Processing (SOP), Purchasing Order Processing (POP ), Receivables (RM), Items, Invoicing Transactions, and many more, while preserving links between tables.

We would be delighted to discuss your use case and explore how DBSync can support your success. Please feel free to Schedule a meeting with us.


  1. I am very new to all of this, but this seems to be one of those “Chicken or the Egg comes First” scenarios. I am starting a new business and hope to see it grow and expand quickly. I just don’t know if I should concentrate on building the website first, and then the CRM (looking at Microsoft Dynamics 2011)around it? Or should I subscribe to the CRM system first, then build my website arount that?

    I am assuming that your product DB Synch, will allow the two of them to connect? When customers put thier order in through my website, I want them to show up in my CRM for tracking purposes etc. Do I have to have additional software like your to accomplish this? Or can I synch up the two independent services with out any additional programming or software?

    If I do need something like DB Synch, what is the ballpark figure to connect the two?


    • Sean,

      We have integrated few ecommerce shopping cart with CRM like salesforce.com. The effort of integration between the two applications depends upon the level of access available for the API or the database to access its data.

      For pricing please contact our sales team – sales at mydbsync dot com.


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