Automation in HR Process

Human Resource [HR] system

Human Resources (HR) is a critical strategic function in a modern-day enterprise that regularly evolves and adapts to the ever-changing corporate world. With evolution comes new HR processes that can be long, tedious, and time-consuming in the initial stages of framing them. In their current form, all HR processes can be categorized into four stages: talent management, compensation and benefits, training and development, and compliance.

The responsibilities of a human resources professional include\ but are not limited to recruitment, extensive reporting, maintaining company culture, improving employer branding, conflict resolution, etc. As the company continues to grow, so does its headcount. The sheer magnitude of data on each individual that needs to be managed can be overwhelming, therefore, HR professionals can benefit from the digital assistance from bots. Not to mention the repetitiveness and the monotone nature of mandatory record keeping, imposed by the labor law.

Recruiters receive many emails and calls containing similar questions related to job descriptions, essential requirements, corporate policies, and salaries. Unfortunately, it takes a long time to respond to each candidate or redirect them to the FAQ page on the company’s website. 

Today the world is concerned about how to develop the economy further. How to get back to sustainable growth? There are two trends on the surface: the first is robotization, and the second is environmental friendliness.

Robotic Process Automation (RPA) is a rapidly developing innovative technology in the automation field. RPA is one of the most effective business process optimization tools today. This groundbreaking technology is fundamentally changing the operating model of business, replacing people performing routine tasks with robots. For example, a recently published Ernst and Young (EY) study indicated that bots answer every HR department problem. Not only does it automate repetitive tasks, reducing HR employees’ work, but it once again proved to be a proactive assistant in answering the market’s needs.

Biggest challenges faced by the HR department

Inability to organize a sufficient flow of applicants:

The recruiter works with the same candidate stream sources and does not restructure their work for different vacancies. 

What is the problem? Recruiters often follow the stereotype: if yesterday suitable candidates came from this site, they would also come this time. You just need to wait. However, while they wait, time is wasted, and vacancies are empty. Hence it is difficult to identify and build a suitable candidate pool to ensure that the best individuals are available to be selected for the company’s various roles.

The work of a recruiter is not automated:

At all stages of the selection, the recruiter does everything themselves, manually, without using additional software. 

What is the problem? Many manual tasks overload the recruiter, so they do not have time for active and proactive recruiting; a recruiter has no time to think about how to do better and what to change. They have no time to master new technologies. At the same time, recruiting becomes more difficult and requires new approaches, and the requirements for an HR manager are increasing. 

Induction and on-boarding: 

When a new employee joins the team, it is essential to explain the company culture and expectations and ensure they feel inspired by their role. On-boarding also includes providing the employees with the necessary tools to complete the tasks.

What is the problem? It’s repetitive, sometimes weekly, which needs more staff.


An organization invests a significant amount of time and resources in training each employee. Hence, it is essential to have a system to retain the employee by providing them with a healthy work environment and the necessary tools to complete their tasks efficiently.

Separation and termination:

Most organizations consider this step to be a mere piece of paper. In reality, understanding why an employee decided to move on from the organization can help improve critical points that reduce the overall attrition rate.

Processes that can be automated

Automatic creation of a new employee profile. 

When hiring a new employee, it is necessary to form their “digital twin” (personal accounts in corporate systems) using data from the HR system and text documents.

Vacation management:

When forming a vacation schedule, you can automatically collect employee expectations, check them for compliance with the requirements of legislation and corporate policies, and provide feedback in case of non-compliance. A well-designed bot will not forget to check for claims and re-request them from those who have forgotten about the right to rest.

Absence management:

In response to a preliminary notification or upon a signal from the workplace attendance system, the software HR automation robot can automatically send an employee a request to provide the relevant documents, control their receipt and accept them in the HR system.

Preparation of expense reports:

 When generating a report on travel expenses, the bot is able to undertake the technical collection of documents and receipts from the folder, enter them into the accounting system and monitor compliance with corporate policies using various sources (for example, obtain currency rates from the Central Bank website.)

Verification of data on new employees:

Following the pre-configured checklist, the software robot can request documents from previous employers that characterize a new employee and accumulate them in the required place (on a network drive, in attachments to a profile, etc.)

Monitoring the performance of goals:

Suitable work for a bot that, at a given frequency, will request reports from employees on the status of achieving goals, update the summary report, and save the history of correspondence.

Collection of documents on professional development:

After the employee completes training outside the walls of the company, the bot can send a request to the educational organization, control the receipt of the necessary documents (certificates, score sheets, invoices, and acts), and save them.

Provide information:

In response to an employee’s request for a standard certificate (“from the place of work”), the bot will generate the necessary documents in the HR system and send them to the employee.


With Automating software like DBSync, it becomes easy to automate your HR process and keep a clear record of Employee data effortlessly.

We would be delighted to discuss your use case and explore how DBSync can support your success. Please feel free to Schedule a meeting with us.

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